Regional championship entries

SWNLogoRegional championship entries are due in , we need to know who has entered so we can choose relay teams.

Forms have been given out to everyone who qualifies, if you have had your form please fill it in, and return with payment.

If you think you have a qualifying time, and have not received an entry form, please come and see me. remember, to enter you have to be aged 11 or over by the 31st December 2016.

The regional championship meet is the top 25m competition in the North Wales calendar ,it is held of two weekends, the 30th & 31st January and the 6th & 7th February, our swimmers train hard all year and should make every effort to attend this meet,  if you need any help just ask.

Outstanding forms to be returned:

Isabell Bailey, Amiee Bell, Sioned Brookes Jones, Leah Cartwright, Faye Davies Moore, Katie Evans, Evey Gardner, Hannah Jones, Anna Leitner, Lucy McKendrick, Ffion Richards, Hanna Simpson, Olivia Tovey, Lydia Tovey, Libby Williams, Charlotte Woolley, Scott Woolley.

Many of the above have said they are swimming,  i need your form in before i can select relay teams.


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