(carbs) are key; however there are two types;
- Simple = cakes, buns, chocolate, fruit, sweets…
Quick fix therefore takes 2-1hours before swim for energy burst but it doesn’t last
- Complex = pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals, veg…
Best source of energy and give you lasting energy which you store
Protein and Calcium for development
- Males are growing and developing till ~21
- Females are growing and developing till ~18
- With training there is an increased need for protein and calcium.
- Aim for a pint of milk a day, or ½ pint and 2 yoghurts
All swimmers should follow a low fat diet. Low fat levels help us move through water faster.
Tips to reduce Saturated Fat
- Choose low fat milk, cheese, yoghurt.
- Avoid fried foods and takeaways.
- Grill meats; don’t eat fat & chicken skin.
- Use margarine thinly.
- Choose low fat biscuits and snacks.
- Read & use food labels to eat low fat
Recovery advice
- The sooner after training/competition the better
- Eat or drink
- If you know it’s a while before tea, be prepared; milkshakes, sports drinks, cereal bars, fruit (Kit bags)
Nutrition for Competition
- What we eat 1-2 days before the comp that counts
- Increase portion size slightly
- High carb meal the night before
- High carb breakfast
- Increase fluid
- Plenty of sleep (9-10 hours)