Holywell ASC Return to the Pool

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Great news, We will be returning to the pool starting on Wednesday evening 2nd September, every parent should have received the days and hours that the swimmers should attend.

You should also have received 2 emails, the first is a short guide, Return to the Pool, this states what to expect when we go back to train in the Holywell Leisure Centre facility and how things will work.

The second, a more detailed guide with more information, this explains what to do if you show any Covid symptoms, who to contact etc, keep this for your information, the full guide also has 2 forms at the end of the document,

Form 1, A risk awareness form, and Form 2 a Pre-Return to Training Screening form. these need to be printed off and given in before or at your first session back or sent it electronically to the club Secretary Jo Allen or Head Coach Terry Boardman. (no form – no swim) you can access the sheets below


Please write an up to date phone number and email address on one of the forms as our Covid officers will need your contact details for track and trace information. This is important information we need before anyone swims, please don’t forget them.

Coaches, Committee and volunteers who will be helping out at the club will also need to bring in signed copies.

If anyone has not received the above information please contact Head Coach Terry who will send you the information.

We look forward to seeing you all back this week, #HolywellASC#BackinthePool#StaySafe

Permanent link to this article: https://www.holywellswimmingclub.co.uk/holywell-asc-return-to-the-pool/